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How to make entrance path more disability accessible?

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How to make entrance path more disability accessible?

Hi There,

I'm looking for the best way to make my front entrance path more disability-friendly for my parents. They have trouble with steps. 

any advice for budget friendly solution please?


thank you


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to make entrance path more disability accessible?

Hi @jonsnow,


Thank you for your question and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is great to have you with us.


My first thought was converting this stepped deck into a ramp, but this would likely be costly and require the assistance of a licenced carpenter as council's often have stringent regulations on ramps and the requirements surrounding them. If you wanted a permanent structure that is both functional and good looking, this would likely be your best option, but wouldn't be the most budget friendly option.


I'd suggest you contact your local council or aged care provider to enquire whether there is any assistance with making home modification for ease of access. There are quite a few programs out there for the elderly to help allow them to live in their homes for as long as possible.


With the regulatory requirements for ramps, installing some handrails might be a good place to start. You might like to check out Peak Aluminium Balustrade as an option which can be special ordered to your requirements. This would require a bit of know how to install but is not out of reach of a D.I.Yer.


Allow me to tag some of our helpful members for their thoughts, @Dave-1, @Noyade, @Nailbag.


Let me know if you have any other questions.




Community Megastar

Re: How to make entrance path more disability accessible?

Afternoon @jonsnow 

First up Id like to offer a warm welcome to the community :smile: There are lots of similar questions for this very thing in here. I for one have the same issue on the horizon for my mum.


Any chance of a wider profile shot?You can block out the hous e number if you are concerned :smile: The reason i ask is I am wondering if your driveway is at the same level as your doorway? Potentially you could build a path between them.


@JacobZ's suggestion about convert the front path to a ramp is where I went to first, Little concerned about steepness especially as people get older.

How about redoing the path so its diagonally off to the side and then diagonally back to the door. That way the slope is halved (distance is incresed tho) and its an easier walk. I do like the idea of handrails at least one side incorporated into the project.


If your parents are like mine they may resist the idea of change, maybe do a few sketchups of the ideas you have and see if they like a version?



Amassing an Audience

Re: How to make entrance path more disability accessible?

Hi @jonsnow Not knowing what difficulties your parents have, two suggestions would to be to either non-slip ramp the existing two platform or to build intermediate ones with shallow steps. Each step however would need to be clearly indicated so not to create a trip hazard.


Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 9.32.28 PM.png


Regards, Nailbag

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