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How to make a new outdoor kitchen and dining area?

Growing in Experience

How to make a new outdoor kitchen and dining area?






We are thinking to make a new outdoor type of kitchen and dinning area, where have a dishwasher as well because our existing kitchen is very small for big family.

Growing in Experience

Re: How to make a new outdoor kitchen and dining area?



Growing in Experience

Re: How to make a new outdoor kitchen and dining area?

Thank you Eric for wonderful reply. The rough size of our kitchen is 250 cm (microwave side wall) by 377 cm (length).


I also attached 10 pictures. Please let me know if you need anything more.


kind regards,



Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: How to make a new outdoor kitchen and dining area?

Thanks for the photos @Mak22. Do you happen to have a photo of your house floorplan you could share? A sketch with dimensions would be a great alternative. 




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Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to make a new outdoor kitchen and dining area?

Hello @Mak22


Thank you for posting the pictures of your kitchen. I see on the other side of the room you have another refrigerator? Is that room currently being used for something? Would it be possible to knock down the wall between that room and your kitchen? What is the size of that other room?


I understand when you say that the current kitchen is very small for a big family. Unfortunately, with the way your kitchen is laid out and the current space available there's not much we can do. However, if we can remove some of the walls, it will open up the area and allow you to reconfigure your cabinet layout. It will allow you to have a better flowing kitchen and a spot for the dishwasher.


Can the wall next to the white refrigerator be removed? If it's only covering a hallway the space can be more effectively used. Your other option is to relocate the entire kitchen to another part of the house. Perhaps some part of the house has too much space and it can be used for something else? 


Give me a few days to draw up some sketches, and as soon as I finish, I will post them here. In the meantime, would it be possible for you to post a picture and the measurements of the other room where the silver refrigerator is? 


If you have any other questions we can help with, please don't hesitate to post them.




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Growing in Experience

Re: How to make a new outdoor kitchen and dining area?

Thank you Jason for an expression of interest in my post. Sorry, I don’t have floor plan because over 70 years house. 

If you are living in the area 2770 and have a time to do it on reasonable price then please provide the quote for it.






Growing in Experience

Re: How to make a new outdoor kitchen and dining area?

Thank you EricL for further response. Yes, that is dining room but used for study and gym. I’ll post its pictures and sizes soon.

Amassing an Audience

Re: How to make a new outdoor kitchen and dining area?

Hi @Mak22,


I'd encourage you just to make a really simple floor plan sketch and then take a photo of it so we can all see. All you need is a piece of paper and a pencil, and a tape measure. Measure the size of each room and jot it down on your floor plan.  

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