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How to install gate posts?

Just Starting Out

How to install gate posts?

Hello Everyone, 

I am really enjoying the Bunnings Workshop and am amazed by the DIY projects people undertake. I feel like my question is quite basic, but I don’t know the answer!

I want to install double gates between the side of our house and the side boundary fence. If I attach one post to the side of my house how do I make sure the post on the boundary fence side is parallel with the first post so the gates line up nicely when they are closed? I can run a string line from the house to the fence but cannot easily tell if that is straight and I don’t have anything on the house side and fence side that I can easily measure from to make sure both posts are parallel to each other. Ami I over thinking this? Thanks a lot for any advice offered.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to install gate posts?

Hello @Robboj 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's fabulous to have you join us, and thank you for sharing your question about installing gate posts.


Before I make any recommendations, would it be possible for you to post a few photos of the proposed location for the gate. This will give our members a chance to assess where the fence line is. We can then make recommendations on where to position the post.


The most common tools used for alignment would be the builder's line and a spirit level. Keeping the posts lined up will depend if you want it to line up with the fence or line up with the house. 


If you need a hand posting the photos, please let us know.




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