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How to fix an uneven concrete retaining wall?

Finding My Feet

How to fix an uneven concrete retaining wall?

I am doing my backyard project with a 2.5mt deck and will pave the rest.

There is an uneven retaining wall which is a spot of bother. Can I get some ideas how to cover it. Attached are some photographs.

Width is 20cmBackyard2.jpgBackyard1.jpg


Amassing an Audience

Re: How to fix an uneven concrete retaining wall?

Hi @RonnyDeol 


I think the suggestions from both @EricL and @Dave-1 provide an ideal solution to covering the retaining edge. I am more concerned about the stumps/supports I have highlighted with red circles. I was wondering if these are just temporary supports with concreted in stumps yet to be installed?


Without knowing actual span lengths you will need at least 2 stumps per joist and noggins with a single level sub-floor to prevent twisting of the joists. The photo below shows the type of plan I am referring to.

Regards, Nailbag




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