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How to dig bamboo barrier trench?

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How to dig bamboo barrier trench?

I am currently using a trenching shovel to place a bamboo barrier. i have done this in another area of the yard before but the area I am working on currently has lots of rocks, pieces of tile, random bits of concrete etc. that seem to have been dumped there during the build process or something like that. Any suggestions on how to more effectively navigate past this as the process is very tedious currently. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Suggestions for digging bamboo barrier trench

Hi @renegade2k,


Switching to a mattock would be a good idea, as it will be much more effective at breaking material up than a shovel. If you are running into large pieces of concrete or rock and there is a significant amount of work to do, you might consider hiring a demo breaker for the day. This will allow you to break rocks and concrete into smaller pieces for easy removal.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: Suggestions for digging bamboo barrier trench

thanks for the information Mitchell. Can you let me know if you think something like a pit bar or fence bar might work also? Or do you think the mattock is likely the best option. Thanks again

Re: Suggestions for digging bamboo barrier trench

They'll struggle to break up hard concrete and rock but will certainly assist with levering out material @renegade2k. In saying that, a mattock is great for levering and digging in hard soil, but it also won't break up concrete and rock. If you were to go with a mattock, I'd grab one with a pick end on it, such as the Cyclone 2.25kg Fibreglass Handle Mattock with Pick End.




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