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How to build Merbau or composite decking for water tank stand?

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How to build Merbau or composite decking for water tank stand?

Can I use composite decking such as ekodeck as platform of my garden water tank 6000L. I was thinking to use the merbau solid wood but I wanted a pre colored darker platform that would match my water tank. The stand is made of steel but requires a flat platform that can be made up by timber. Im a first timer of  for such, I am thinking if the composite can wisdtand the weight of the water tank. Thanks.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Merbau solid wood or composite decking for water tank stand

Hello @majde2680 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. it's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your water tank platform.


Merbau timber comes in different thicknesses, and it might work with your water tank. I suggest speaking to your engineer or draftsperson in regards to the size and thickness of the timber you'll be needing. 


In regards to the Ekodeck, it is not strong enough to carry the weight of a 6000ltr water tank. But you can use it to cover the outside profile of the timber you'll be using for your water tank. In essence you would still get the colour you are after. 


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to build Merbau or composite decking for water tank stand?

Hi @majde2680,


You'll find that due to the weight of a full water tank, most water tanks require a concrete base.


I would encourage you to check with the manufacturer of the water tank what they require as a base for their product, as it is likely they will want you to use concrete.


You might like to check out How To Pour A Small Concrete Slab for some guidance on pouring and finishing a small concrete slab.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




Re: How to build Merbau or composite decking for water tank stand?


Thank you all. Yes, concrete base is highly recommended by the manufacturer. But my concrete slab is not perfectly flat so opted to use a 300mm height steel frame stand, the tank is not that tall about 1.5m but 3.5m long. I will reconsider these options. The steel frame is very sturdy welded by fabricator, just neeeded a timber platform with 5mm gap between. Thank you all for help.



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