Kind of a Big Deal

Hidden pool pump and filter

I'm writing about my custom pool design in a separate post but felt this aspect needs a specific post for itself. I want to hide my pool pump (1.5hp) and cartridge filter, and I want to hide it underground. I'm hoping others have done this or at least have some considerations/advice for me.


The deep end of the pool will be set 1m in from the side fence and I plan to build an enclosure like in the pic below which will be approx 0.25-0.35m above the water level and act as the wall of the pool. It'll have varying depths for the pump and filter to make access/servicing as efficient as possible. 1m of space in the enclosure is enough for me to fit in and work on the pump/filter for 'repairs' while general maintenance will be easy to do from the surface. It'll also act as a platform for jumping in.

pumpfilter enclosure.jpg


A question I have is around air flow for the pump - how much does it need? Given the lid/top with be a wooden slatted finish (on hinges), will this allow enough air flow?



Handy and helpful
Instagram @at.home.rosehill @kayudesignco @aspirebamboo

Re: Hidden/underground pool pump and filter

Hi @ProjectPete,


Hope all is well.


Do you have a finished photo of this popular project? It would be great to feature it.






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