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Easter long weekend - what have you got planned?

Kind of a Big Deal

Easter long weekend - what have you got planned?

The Easter long weekend is fast approaching and I even managed to get the Thurs and Tues off so it's 6 days of freedom for me :smile:


What have you got planned?


While I'm hosting a family feast, an easter egg hunt for my kids and a pool party with mates - I'm making the most of the free time to knock off a few projects.


1 - Ripping out the carpet in my Master and replacing with engineered floorboards.

2 - Replacing/installing wooden benchtop in laundry so it runs from wall to wall (approx 3m) rather than just a standalone unit. A new sink and mixer will also go in and I'll redo the splashback with subway tiles.

3 - Repaint the front of my house with a couple of greys and a feature door.


I'll do a post for each of the projects - looking forward to it!

Handy and helpful
Instagram @at.home.rosehill @kayudesignco @aspirebamboo
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Re: Easter long weekend - what have you got planned?

Looks fantastic @sof. Apologies if I caused any nervousness - that certainly wasn't my intention! It really does cause the greenery to pop, well done. Did you use a sprayer or an old fashioned brush?



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Re: Easter long weekend - what have you got planned?

Looking forward to seeing photos @ProjectPete. And really want to read about the new toy!



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Re: Easter long weekend - what have you got planned?

The Easter long weekend is coming up. What has everyone got planned? Have you got any projects on the drawing board?


Here's some ideas if you need some inspiration -



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Amassing an Audience

Re: Easter long weekend - what have you got planned?

No projects for me. I might potter around the garden but will spend most time relaxing and catching up with friends and family.

Re: Easter long weekend - what have you got planned?

I'm planning on finally starting my epoxy floor in the garage. Planning to do all of the prep and cleaning of the floor on Friday and will then apply the coating on the Saturday.

Fingers crossed my final fence gets installed either today and tomorrow and then I'll also be painting my fence. Looking forward to trying out the paint sprayer!
Amassing an Audience

Re: Easter long weekend - what have you got planned?

This will be me this weekend:



Re: Easter long weekend - what have you got planned?

I have started on a Potting Bench (incorporating an old sink) for a friend but I really need to sort through my scraps they are getting out of hand and taking over all my space.
Wood Working with Wayne
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Re: Easter long weekend - what have you got planned?

Looking forward to seeing the potting bench @Wayne.

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Re: Easter long weekend - what have you got planned?

No big projects for me over the long weekend. We travelled to Adelaide for a basketball tournament. 


Before we left I did manage to finally tidy up the wall-mounted television in the new games room though. Good to knock that one off. See


Looking forward to seeing what other Workshop members have been up to over the break. Thanks for sharing your bench project @Wayne. I'm sure it will inspire others!



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Re: Easter long weekend - what have you got planned?

Easter 2020 is nearly upon us and this year is different to every other year in that it'll likely be keeping more of us a) at home, and b) more isolated than usual.


Silver lining? Perfect time for DIY!


  • I'm finally getting round to doing the Western Red Cedar castellation cladding on my front Portico.
  • I'll also re-oil my decks because I love keeping them fresh AF.
  • I've got a few odd jobs to get done.
  • And I'd like to finish my FC cladding on my side fence in backyard so I can get my cacti feature garden finished off.

What have you got planned?


Handy and helpful
Instagram @at.home.rosehill @kayudesignco @aspirebamboo

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