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Double bearer joints

Just Starting Out

Double bearer joints

Hi all - am planning a low level deck and have everything sorted (I think) apart from one question, which I'm hoping someone can assist me with.

I've consulted span tables, and have settled on double 190x45 bearers and 140x45 joists, to avoid having to dig too many holes. As the top of the decking is only 450mm off the ground, I won't be using posts, but will be attaching the bearers directly into stirrups, which will then be set in concrete.

Two of my bearers need to be around 7 metres long, so there will need to be a join somewhere along each 190x45 length. Clearly the joins should be staggered, but I was wondering if each join also needs to be located above a stirrup, or does the fact that the bearers are nailed together mean this is not necessary? My concern with joining above a stirrup (as per the attached photo that I found on the net) is that the bolt is very close to the end of one of the bearer lengths.

I'm not an engineer - maybe this is OK. The other option is to join between stirrups, and reinforce with a nail plate, but I would appreciate any advice folk can offer.

Thanks in advance



Community manager's note: Check out How to build a low-level deck for expert advice.




Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Double bearer joints

Hi @mistafill,


Welcome to Workshop. We're really pleased you could join us and look forward to seeing how your deck progresses. Feel free to post anytime you need a hand or have something to share. 


Let me tag @BIM_Engineer for you who enjoys assisting people with their decking projects.


You might also find these other decking discussions useful:









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Former Community Member

Re: Double bearer joints

Hi @mistafill
Double bearers (and joists) can be joined as shown in the image above
Ideally, over supports such as walls, posts and stirrups for
Continuous spans,  within the first 1/3rd of the clear span, either end,
glue & stagger nails @ 250mm Crts
Generally avoid joins mid span or where the greatest bending occurs

Re: Double bearer joints



Thanks for your reply. Does that mean that a join outside a stirrup, reinforced by a nail plate, as per this image, is not a good idea?



Former Community Member

Re: Double bearer joints

Those 2 Timber length should be Nailed & Glued together as I've mentioned previously above
to form a stiff single bearer ( Rule of thumb...always check that the bearer/beam is double the size of the joist)
The join is OK as it's within a 1/3rd of the span from the support
The cost of a connector plate is a couple of dollars
BTW...Never Skimp on Timber Connections where specified


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