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D.I.Y. cubby houses


I just decided on a whim to build my boys a cubby house on the weekend and I just wanted see what other people have done.


If you have built a cubby I'd love to see it.


My cubby is still a work in progress but  I will post some progress pictures below.


I am building this completely from scratch and off the top of my head without any plans.


Cubby Cubby2.jpg IMG_0481.JPG



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Re: Cubby house

I'm sure the boys are very excited @Yorky88. Great work and thanks for sharing. Looking forward to seeing the finished result.



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Making a Splash

Re: Cubby house

Hey York When i built Our Cubby in the Summer i left it an 'Open' project.
Finished, but still with room to expand and and always be changed as Hugh my eldest was always changing and reaching different demands. Our most recent additions have been a steering wheel and binoculars. I have still left room for more swings and rope ladders as he gets bigger. The shop kitchen and mud kitchen downstairs are forever changing (he does that)undefined undefined

Re: Cubby house

@woodalwaysworks That looks awesome mate. Yeah I have full intentions to make it so it's completely adaptable and able to grow and expand it as my boys grow up. I really like what you have done though looks very cool. 

Cubby house

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Cubby house

Hey @Yorky88


Many thanks for sharing a finished shot of the cubby house on the gallery. I'll also add it below so members who were following this thread won't miss it.


Great work!





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Amassing an Audience

Re: Cubby house

No plans! Wow, awesome work @Yorky88.


What advice can you give to us mere mortals for working with pallets? I'm thinking of getting started with some planter boxes.

Becoming a Leader

Re: Cubby house

Hey @Kermit thanks for the comments hey. Haha I'm just a mere mortal also I just love the challenge that comes with not having any plans to work off and I guess I like to be able to create my own plans too. I like being able to do something original rather than straight out of the mold if you know what I mean. 


My my advice would be to just give it a crack hey. Planter boxes are are fairly simple build and a great place to start. It's exactly how I started. If you need any plans or further advice either leave me another comment or send me a private message. I'd be happy to chat with you a bit more. 


Look forward to seeing your planter boxes in the gallery. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Cubby house

Now it's been a couple of weeks since you finished @Yorky88, how are the boys enjoying the cubby house?


Anything you learned or would have done differently that you can share?



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Re: Cubby house

Hey everyone. Yeah @Jason My boys absolutely love it they are playing in it every chance they get. I have added a few extra little bits and pieces to it just to make it that little bit more fun such as steering wheel a couple of handles and a rock climbing wall all of which I picked up for free which is even better and I also have a telescope that I am yet to attach.

This was a really fun build and I'm sure I'll continue to add things to it as I go.

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