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Cantilever Imbrella vs Sailshade for rental

Getting Established

Cantilever Imbrella vs Sailshade for rental

Hi there I’m in a rental property and I’m wanting to setup some wicker furniture outside however it will be in an open area next to the covered area where I have an inflatable spa.

I’ve gone over budget due to indecisiveness and I guess impulse I’m not  sure the best option would be between the following, objective is the provide shade  and doesn’t allow water to penetrate as the area receives sun all day.


a) Cantilever umbrella (3x3m) ($440)square canopy - already purchased however the base is an additional approx. $300 which I’m yet to source (I’d I decide this option)


b) Shade sail (landlord has approved but at my expense)

so either attach to house and install a post to achor (I’m not good with basic stuff like this)


purchase at Bunnings I think it’s called the butterfly shade that comes with 4 posts ($199)and try to figure out a way to a secure to the ground.


any help would be appreciated I’m driving myself a bit batty with it all and need some guidance please.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Cantilever Imbrella vs Sailshade for rental

Hello @Trace77 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about covering your wicker furniture.


I'm putting my vote on the cantilever umbrella. These umbrellas often come with a large water base or a steel cross footing. You'll need to purchase the Coolaroo 50cm Umbrella Accessory Cantilever Water Base to weigh it down. If you are in a very windy area, it might be necessary to purchase two of the water base's or add four 20kg sandbags on top of it. If the shade provided is not enough, I recommend adding a second economical umbrella such as the Marquee 3m Charcoal Cantilever Umbrella. Please note that a water base will need to be added to this umbrella as well.


The main advantage of the umbrellas is that they can be moved around and put away in case of a storm. Plus, you can take it with you should you decide to move house.


In regards to the shade sail, this is also a good option as it provides a permanent cover for your furniture, but because it is permanent you can't take the posts with you when you move. I recommend engaging the services of a builder in regards to installing the posts. They'll be able to tell you how deep and wide the footing should be for the posts. Please note that shade sails act like boat sails and generate a lot of pulling power. They must be attached to heavy duty posts and can't be attached to your house roof or fence.


Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Getting Established

Re: Cantilever Imbrella vs Sailshade for rental

Hi Eric,


Thanks for your advice it has provided me some clarity finally and most likely will decide to go with cantilever umbrella since I already have.


Noticed at the Acacia Ridge store there was a 3x3m square cantilever on display with a really huge base, I couldn’t see this type of base sold separately, are you able to confirm, I’ll upload an image as I took a photo of it yesterday.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Cantilever Imbrella vs Sailshade for rental

Hello @Trace77 


The umbrella base you are looking at is from the Coolaroo 2 x 3m Black Rectangle Hampton Cantilever Umbrella with Base. This base is designed only for the Coolaroo umbrella and can't be retrofitted to work with others. As I mentioned in my last post if your umbrella has a steel cross footing your options are to use the Coolaroo 50cm Umbrella Accessory Cantilever Water Base or 20kg sandbags or a combination of both.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Community Megastar

Re: Cantilever Imbrella vs Sailshade for rental

Good Evening @Trace77 

Just throwing my 2 bobs worth in :smile: I like the cantilver Umbrella as well. Pretty much for  the same reasoning as @EricL has stated.


Trying to attach a sail to the house/posts of a rental is fraught with problems that apart from the costs could end up costing more if something fails. An umbrella is maneuverable and can be put down in wind or starry starry nights :smile:


I would suggest a two step protection of your outside furniture, a cover for when its not in use (I have seen the covers at bunnings)  and an umbrella, maybe two even. I have a couple of ones like these Coolaroo 3m Black Round Ceduna Wind Rated Market Umbrella with no footing (they were being thrown out at work) and my work around was to insert into the ground some 40mm? conduit by around 600mm. To do this all I did was cut the pipe, then stand it where I wanted and then put the hose down the pipe (didnt have a nozzel on it) and then turned the water on, it when in very easily to the raised garden bed edge I have around the pool yard.


You could also do the same with a timber post into the ground, then using saddles attavh PVC pipe to it so you can drop the umbrella into the conduit.


NOTE --- you will need to put the umbrella down in wind, I have had mine left out of the conduit and go swimming :surprised: 



Home Improvement Guru

Re: Cantilever Imbrella vs Sailshade for rental

 Hi @Trace77 


"already purchased however the base is an additional approx. $300 which I’m yet to source"


If you know of anyone who can cobble together three lengths of heavy scrap steel and attach wheels to it - you'll have a mobile umbrella for the yard that is durable for life and fits nicely under outdoor tables.




"Just throwing my 2 bobs worth in"


I'm cheaper Dave - mine is a 5c thought. 😁




Getting Established

Re: Cantilever Imbrella vs Sailshade for rental

Hi Dave,


That’s some fantastic advice you have provided, I guess after reading all the responses I feel more at ease choosing the  Cantilever option and will look at the cover options as well when furniture is not in use.



Getting Established

Re: Cantilever Imbrella vs Sailshade for rental

Hi Eric


ok thanks for confirming about the base, I’m pretty sure the the base is a straight piping that secures into the unique base specific to the one I purchased, just need to wait until it is back in stock. Thanks again you have been been very helpful.

Getting Established

Re: Cantilever Imbrella vs Sailshade for rental

Hi Noyade,


that’s quite clever and a good idea something to keep in mind.



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