Just Starting Out

Billy cart build

Hi just wanted some advice on timber and timber size used to build a Billy cart for kids?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Billy cart build

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @michael84. It's great to have you join us, and many thanks for your question on suitable timber for a billy cart.


I could suggest various sizes, but it's likely a good idea to have a plan to go with those. I suggest following this Step-By-Step video from one of our suppliers, Trojan: How to build a billy cart.


You'll need a length of 90 x 35mm MGP10 Untreated Pine Timber Framing - Linear Metre at 2400mm and one piece of 1200 x 596 x 18mm BC Plywood. You'll also need to pick up a couple of axles and four wheels. If you're looking for extra speed, I'd suggest wheels with bearings in them.


It should be fairly easy to follow along with the video, but give us a shout if you get stuck. I'll be looking forward to some pictures when you're done.




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Re: Billy cart build

How can we access measurements etc for this build? It says in the video that it's on their website but I can't find anything. 

Re: Billy cart build

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @djfennell13. It's terrific to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about the Trojan billy cart project.


I'll reach out to Trojan after the weekend to see if they can provide details on the measurements for this build. In the meantime, you might like to check our billy cart project. All the measurements are mentioned in the video.





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Re: Billy cart build

Many thanks for your patience, @djfennell13


I've contacted Trojan, and there are no specific details on cut sizes for this exact project. However, they've been able to supply a set of plans from a very similar billy cart.


Please let me know if you have questions.





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