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Any outdoor cleaning and renovation ideas?

Just Starting Out

Any outdoor cleaning and renovation ideas?

Need help with outdoor cleaning and renovation ideas. I have backyard and front yard with weeds and i would need help to clean and renovate it soon.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: outdoor cleaning and renovation ideas

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @MVasant. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about outdoor cleaning and renovation.


You might like to start by providing some images of the areas that you'd like to address and letting us know what you'd like to achieve. That way, our helpful members would have a much better idea of solutions that would work well for you.


Have a read through these helpful articles on How to deep clean outdoor pavers, concrete, tiles and decking and Deep clean your home like a pro. Also, this guide on How to give your garden a makeover will be useful. I'm sure they'll assist you with getting started.


We look forward to hearing more about your project and answering any questions you might have.




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