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please help with my timber stairs turned black

Finding My Feet

please help with my timber stairs turned black





Hi Bunnings community,

my son drew on my stairs using permanent marker. I applied baking soda water paste and left it for 5-10 mins. It made my stairs turned black. Can you please help how to make it look normal again. Thanks

Community Megastar

Re: please help with my timber stairs turned black

Good Evening @prashb 

Mmmm thats a hard one..... maybe.

Here are a few things that you could try before the sander comes out...

Mr Clean Eraser Pad Block Ive used this and it did seem to work on marks on walls

The Pink Stuff 850g Miracle Cleaning Paste  Friend has sworn it works and put a LOT of pressure for me to try it as its so good.

Gumption Paste 750g Multipurpose Cleaner Another Friend has sworn by this one. 


I do like it when people I know have recommended stuff. With the cleaning that you have done already hopefully one of the products above might manage to do the rest.


If you want which of the three id try first, "The pink stuff, then second choice Gumption followed by "Mr Clean block" :smile: If these dont work....  Then sanding becomes a consideration.


Let me tag a few other members that might have some suggestions @Noyade , @Noelle @TedBear and @EricL 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: please help with my timber stairs turned black

Hi @prashb,


Has the moisture entirely dried from the area? If so, this darkening is likely a reaction between the alkaline baking soda and the coating or the tannins in the timber itself. You could try the products @Dave-1 has mentioned above, but I would suggest that sanding the marks out and re-coating might be the only solution to this issue.


Please let us know if you have any questions.




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