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easy peel windoware blind

Hey all,


I need some help with the blinds I bought from Bunnings last week. Included with the blinds were two brackets and a little cord. I tried to put it together, but for me it seems like something is missing. There's no manual with it and on the bag it says it should be an easy installation. Attached a photo of what's included. 


brackets bracketsone side one sidesame side, different angle same side, different angleother side other side

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Community Manager

Re: easy peel windoware blind

Welcome to Workshop @mez, We're happy you could join us and look forward to reading about more of your projects and plans. Feel free to post whenever you need assistance or have something to share. 


I'm sure community members will be happy to provide some tips for installing your new blind, but in the meantime I hope you find this resource helpful - How to install indoor roller blinds. I will also attach the video below. 


Thanks again for joining us, and please let me know if I can help you get the most out of the site, or you ever have feedback about how we can make Workshop even more useful to you.





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Re: easy peel windoware blind

It looks like you have everything you need there @mez.


What are you having trouble with?

Just Starting Out

Re: easy peel windoware blind

The brackets look the same,  normally there is a left and right, but it might just be the picture. They go to the inside,  top of your window frame at the width of your blind,  the end of the blind that has the flat pin, slides into the slot on the bracket and normally the round pin goes into the round hole in the bracket . The string and tag screws into the bottom rail of the blind when it is open,  something to grab when putting it up and down. The video is a different type of blind 

Becoming a Leader

Re: easy peel windoware blind

Hi @mez , @gcdoc is correct, except that all of those blinds come with the screw fixings as well. Did you not show them in the photo, or have you accidentally bought a previous opened/returned blind (that happens a lot)? Looking at the pics, it looks like you’re missing the fixings.


Have you still got the label from the packaging? If you have, take a photo (of all of it) and post, I’ll be able to help you, cheers Deb

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: easy peel windoware blind

Many thanks for joining in the discussion @gcdoc. I'm sure @mez appreciates it.


Let me extend a very warm welcome to the Workshop community. We're really pleased you could join us and look forward to reading all about your own projects and plans. Please feel free to post whenever you need a hand or have something to share.




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Just Starting Out

Re: easy peel windoware blind

Hi @mez how did you go? I am having the same problem. 

@jas  @Mathy there's no chain in this blind?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: easy peel windoware blind

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Miann. It's fantastic that you've joined us and many thanks for your question.


Have you installed the brackets and placed the blind in position? There is no manual chain mechanism needed with this blind design. An internal tensioning spring allows you to roll out and retract the blind by pulling down on the cord and ring.


Try placing the blind in position between the brackets and pulling down on it. It should lock into a position where you stop. To retract the blind, I believe you need to give it a quick pull and release. Make sure you keep a hold of it as if you let go completely, it might retract quite quickly to the home position. The mechanism is similar to those used in the old projector screens in schools which would pull down over a blackboard.


If you were after a blind that can be operated via a chain, you might like to exchange your current unit for the blockout variety, such as the Windoware 60 x 210cm Charm Blockout Roller Blind - White.


Please let me know how you go.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: easy peel windoware blind

Hello @mez 


The brackets you have are designed in such a way that only one will fit the other. The roller blind bracket you attach to the left side of the window frame will have the slot facing up. It does not matter which bracket you pick up, but as soon as you position it to the left of the window the open slot will be facing up. This is the correct position and how its suppose to be. The roller blind bracket you attach to the right will have the open slot facing down, this is also how it is suppose to be.


When holding the blind in front of you, the round pin side of the roller blind will slide in to the round hole of the bracket on the right. The flat blade side will slot in to the left slide where there is an opening to accept the blade of the axle from the top. Once it locks in to place you may now test the blind.


As @MitchellMc mentioned this is a spring loaded self locking blind. By pulling it down and slightly letting it roll up without letting go it should engage the locking mechanism. To reverse and roll up you need to pull down and slowly let it roll up without letting go so that it will not catch the locking mechanism.


The clip with the leaf shaped attachment with the plastic ring is actually attached to the very bottom of the roller blind and is used as the pull handle. There should be a provision for the holes, assuming that you still have all the screws for the kit, it should be easy to find as they are quite small and only meant to screw the plastic leaf flange to the bottom of the roller blind. I have attached a picture below and hope it helps.






I am a Bunnings team member. Any opinions or recommendations shared here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Bunnings. Visit the Bunnings website for assistance from the customer service team.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: easy peel windoware blind

Many thanks for the detailed installation pictures and description @redracer01. I trust @Miann and any other members with a similar issue should find them useful.


Great work!




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