The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.

Living and Bedroom

Help for living room and bedroom projects
Finding My Feet
11 replies

Recently moved and want to put my desk/study area here but its an awkward shape and my current set up does not work. I want to maybe put in a cor ...

Just Starting Out
6 replies

We are getting rid of carpet and installing a new laminate floor to my house which connects to the existing kitchen tile floors. We found out that the ...

Finding My Feet
4 replies

Hi All, I have a room with a double-glazed glass window that is transparent. I am looking for a window film that provides daytime privacy and, if poss ...

Growing in Experience
14 replies

I have been given an antique highboy (family heirloom) to refurbish and revarnish. I am confident of obtaining a good finish. However, I have a probl ...

Having an Impact
2 replies

I have always thought of making a bedhead, so now it was the time to make it happen.MaterialsPlywood sheets 1220 × 880 x 4mm Pine timber uprights Upho ...

Finding My Feet
30 replies

Hi all I am wanting to make the below pull up bar for my 8 month old baby. So she can practice standing. For the bar I was going to buy the 12.7m ...

Just Starting Out
5 replies

Help! How Should I Build an L-Shaped Bed Platform with Modular Storage? I’m a beginner DIYer, and I’m trying to make an L-shaped platform for my king ...

Finding My Feet
2 replies

     Hi Bunnings community, my son drew on my stairs using permanent marker. I applied baking soda water paste and left it for 5-10 mins. It made ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Hi I need your help to repair my living room wooden floor. Please see above image automatically cracks are developing. How can I repair?

Just Starting Out
4 replies

Would love some idea for our study nook was thinking to use a kaboodle bench top for a desk with floating shelfs and for the wall to be a vjpanel feat ...

Finding My Feet
5 replies

Hi there. This is my first time to join in the workshop. My lil one accidentally pulled out the curtains and in turn ripped the curtain holder on th ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

Hi, I am asking for help in setting up this VIVO SHutter switch system I also recently got, I would like assistacne in getting it to work.

Why join the Bunnings Workshop community?

Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects