Just Starting Out

What type of paint do i use for a cot?

Hi, I am wanting to repaint a few panels of a cot where my first born chewed at. I am unsure of what type of paint is best for this.  Any recommendations? 

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Re: What type of paint do i use?

Hi @Sarah7,

Welcome along to Bunnings Workshop, it's great to have you here!

May I please add @EricL in on this conversation, as he seems to be the Man as far as paint goes.

If you could please post a picture or two of what you're working on, that would be extremely helpful.


I'm pretty certain we can get you sorted out with something to fix this up.



Mike T.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What type of paint do i use for a cot?

Hello @Sarah7, 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's wonderful to have you join us and thank you for sharing your question about what paint to use on your child's cot.


I suggest having a look at these discussions - Paint crib by @kjkishore and Eco friendly paint for a bird cage? by @ebonyb. In previous discussions Dulux Super Enamel and Dulux Aquanamel was recommended as options when painting cribs. These products achieve their non-toxic rating after fully curing, so it's important to give them enough time until the paint is totally dry before using the cot.


However, in order to get a better idea of the paint finish, would it be possible for you to post a few photos of the cot? We can then make recommendations on how to proceed.


If you need a hand posting the photos, please let me know. 




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