

Step 1


I started the project by removing all clothing and items from inside the wardrobe.


Photo 4-2-2023, 11 56 09 am.jpgPhoto 4-2-2023, 11 55 54 am.jpgPhoto 4-2-2023, 11 55 32 am.jpg


I then proceeded to start removing all existing metal shelving and cleaning the walls with Selley's sugar soap. 


Once walls were clean, I filled all holes that were remaining from the metal shelving with Selleys Spakfilla. Once dry, I used the orbital sander to smooth over the area that was filled and then cleaned the walls once again with sugar soap. 

Next Step

Step 2


Once the walls were clean and dry, I started off my painting the walls with Dulux One step prep to help give the walls a nice clean under coat and to block out the existing colour. 


Once this was dry, I proceeded to paint the walls with Dulux wash & wear in colour Lexicon Half. 



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Step 3


Once all walls were dry, it was time to start constructing the Flexi storage units. In total I built 6 of the flat pack units and one 2x2 cube unit which I found to be really easy to do as they come with easy to follow instructions and all supplies included. 


Photo 19-4-2023, 12 16 17 pm.jpg

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Step 4


I used the supplied fittings to attach all the flexi storage units to the wall for safety. I also created a half hanging section above the cube unit using the flexi storage home solutions range and a white curtain rod from Bunnings. I added white cap finials to the ends of the curtain rod to give it a finished look. I was really happy with how this turned out and it was really customizable to fit the space we had available. 


Photo 19-4-2023, 12 21 32 pm.jpg

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Step 5


I added a white full-length mirror to the back wall between the two shelving units and replacing the light fitting with a three light bar light which also helped to really brighten up the room.

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Step 6


I wanted to create a full hanging section on the left hand side of the room and did this by using a white curtain rod purchased from bunnings (cut to size) and white flanges to attach the rod to the wall and side of the unit. 


Photo 28-4-2023, 10 13 36 am.jpg

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Step 7


I finished off the space by adding lots of storage baskets to help keep everything organized and neat. 


Photo 28-4-2023, 10 14 48 am.jpgPhoto 28-4-2023, 10 15 00 am.jpgPhoto 28-4-2023, 10 11 57 am.jpg

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Step 8


Overall, I was so happy with this transformation and being able to DIY this part of our home into a beautiful and organized space for less than $2000. 

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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Walk-in wardrobe makeover

Hi @Alyce_Pham 


Thank you so much for sharing such a fantastic project. What an amazing transformation, the Flexi Storage cabinets along with the baskets have really changed the look of your walk-in wardrobe. I'm sure our members will find your wardrobe project inspirational.




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Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: Walk-in wardrobe makeover

Beautifully created walk-in wardrobe @Alyce_Pham!


I am sure not only does your closet feel organised and tidy, but also bigger and brighter. You have definitely inspired me to get started on my own walk-in wardrobe. Thank you so much for sharing. 




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Re: Walk-in wardrobe makeover

You are a genius Alyce! What a transformation for such an affordable amount too!  Congratulations!  I've just bought 7 Bedford cupboards from Bunnings and am still in the process of assembling them.  The instructions are 🤯😵🥺

Thanks for the inspirational before and after photos too! 🙏🏻


Re: Walk-in wardrobe makeover

Thanks so much and you're very welcome! Wishing you the best of luck with your transformation. 

Re: Walk-in wardrobe makeover

Let us know if you run into any difficulties assembling those units @Tyro! We can't wait to see your results!




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Cultivating a Following

Re: Walk-in wardrobe makeover

Love what you have been able to achieve - so clean cut and functional. YOu have inspired me Alyce - I will make this one of my next projects.  

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Walk-in wardrobe makeover

@Alyce_Pham  IS AWESOME !!!!! Love the whole transformation, how much better is the organisation of where everything has a place. Nice and bright, you can see everything. 🥰🥰

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