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Poll: How many televisions do you have?

tv.jfif www.domain.com.au It's been said that having multiple televisions in the home is a "no-brainer" to ensure harmonious relationships and avoid conflict in the home.


But not everyone feels so enamoured by the presence of the idiot box. 


The latest Workshop poll asks how many televisions do you have in your home. 


Please add your (anonymous) vote via the poll on the front page of the Workshop site. Feel free to also join in the conversation by replying below.


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Re: Reply: Poll: How many televisions do you have? Re

As Joey from Friends says..where does the furniture face if you don't have a TV!
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Community Manager

Re: Poll: How many televisions do you have?

Most Workshop members have two televisions in the house according to our latest poll.


No respondents to our survey were without a TV, while less than 10 per cent of members have three or more.


The full results of our poll were:




Thanks for joining in the discussion. Feel free to keep chatting by replying below. 



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Re: Reply: Poll: How many televisions do you have? Re

Have 2, one in lounge & one small one in kitchen.
Finding My Feet

Re: Poll: How many televisions do you have?

Hi there 

I got 3 tvs

1 in lounge

1in kitchen

1 in bedroom 

Leave 1 on 24/7 so any sudden noise wont wake me coz i got background noise going. Also my dog loves watching tv!

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Re: Poll: How many televisions do you have?

My dog loves watching tv too @metreesa. She gets very excited when other dogs can be seen or heard.


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