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Ideas wanted for renovating built-in wardrobes

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Ideas wanted for renovating built-in wardrobes

20230625_103556.jpg Hello,


I have these built in wardrobes with shelves and sliding doors that I really want to change but don't know where to start. 

- I'm not a fan of the thick shelves and I find the painted wood looks like its been slapped on

- I like the idea of the rolling doors but feel the silver ones look cheap. 


Any inspirations or ideas for where to start or possible options? 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Ideas for renovating built in wardrobes/cupboard

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Bec710. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about renovating a built-in cupboard.


It appears that the shelves are that thick due to having the shelf sit on top of a timber frame. Depending on the shelf's width, you could possibly remove the frame timber from the front to give it a more slim-lined appearance. However, this might compromise the integrity of the shelf. I'd suggest that they've likely be built like that for a reason. You could remove the shelves and replace them with melamine board that's only 16mm thick, but presuming the shelf is 1200mm wide, you'll need central supports to stop them bowing under weight. By using Flexi Storage Home Solutions 2133mm White Double Slot Wall Strips and Flexi Storage Home Solutions 470mm White Double Slot Bracket, you'd be able to add as many shelves as you like and adjust their height as needed.


You might also like to check out our range of wardrobe storage solutions. There are plenty of modular options to select from.


What's the door made from, and could you potentially paint it? Primers like the Dulux 1L PRECISION White Maximum Strength Adhesion Primer make coating tough-to-paint surfaces a breeze.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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