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How to replace ceiling heating vents?

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How to replace ceiling heating vents?

can you explain how to replace round heating vents. 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: ceiling Heating Vents

Hi @judy4742,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community and thank you for your question.


It could be slightly different, but it looks like you have vents that are very similar to this Haron International 200mm Round Jet Diffuser Ceiling Vent. These vents just clip in, meaning to remove them, you will just need to pull on them.


You will experience some resistance, but it is not so much that you can't remove it.


Assuming it is just a vent cover without an exhaust fan behind it, then you would just need to match up the diameter of the hole in the plasterboard with a replacement vent.


If there is an exhaust fan behind it, then it will be hard-wired, meaning you will require the assistance of an electrician.


Let me know what you think, and if you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.




Re: ceiling Heating Vents

Hi @judy4742 


You say replace?  What were you are thinking of replacing it with.


Also, that looks almost like a central heating duct and may have a large silver conduit taped to it as you pull it down and out.


But what is possible depends on your end goal of what you want done.



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