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How to remove coloured marker from lino floor?

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How to remove coloured marker from lino floor?

Please help! My child scribbled with blue coloured marker on my lounge room floor. I’ve tried so many different things. Nail polish remover,rubbing alcohol, bleach,clr,Turpintine,carpet stain remover and my usual combination of toothe paste and dishwashing liquid that gets permanent marker off. Nothing is working not even making a dent. There’s 2 other spots aswell texter went through the paper it’s bright orange and another small spot it’s brown texter. I really need to get it out as I’m renting. Oh and I forgot to add it’s linoleum flooring! 

Re: How to remove coloured marker from lino floor?

What about the orange or brown marker? Could I atleast have better luck with those? I’m going to try all options mentioned. Thank you

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to remove coloured marker from lino floor?

I'd try all the options available to you, @Ashley2⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠; it certainly doesn't hurt. The other two don't exhibit the same seeped-in look as the blue one. However, given the ink hasn't broken down and wiped off the surface with any of the products you've tried, it tends to indicate that they are now stains within the lino.




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