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How to remove balcony door?

Finding My Feet

How to remove balcony door?

Hi I need to remove this from our balcony door to access the door. How can I remove this black piece?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: balcony door window

Hi @Rafaela,


 Thank you for your question, it is good to see you back.


This piece appears to be press-fit, meaning it is pushed into the hole and expands outwards.



You should be able to put a flathead screwdriver or flat implement behind this piece and gently lever it away from the frame.


There may be another press-fit piece on the other end of the window that would need to do the same to come out.


Give this a try and let me know how you go.




Finding My Feet

Re: How to remove balcony door?

We definitely needed to use more force but got it out. Thanks for the tip.

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