Having an Impact

How to remove a whiteboard from a wall?

A friend is moving out from a rental and a previous renter has put a self adhesive whiteboard on a wall. She needs to remove it without damaging (woops: too late) the paintwork. I have advised her to buy a heat gun from Bunnings with which she will hopefully be able to warm the board enough for the glue to release from the wall or the back of the whiteboard. Do you have a better solution? Thanks for your help. I will post images when they arrive in my email. She probably needs to solve the problem this weekend so if you do have a solution, please post it asap.

Growing in Experience

Re: How to remove a whiteboard from a wall

Please have her look at the entry condition report she was provided upon entry. There would be a photo and or written in. As it was left by previous renter it is not her responsibility to remove. 
obviously now she has tried she will have to repair the wall however she can reinstall the whiteboard. Depending on the state she could also argue that the only reason it was damaged was due to the wrong information provided and was doing as requested. 
If it hung by command type of hooks run floss between the tape and the wall, this will lessen or prevent damage to the paint. I am unsure how to assist with the repair as I’m visual and would need to see photos, sorry. 

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