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How to hang a barn door?

Growing in Experience

How to hang a barn door?

I want to add a baryard door but the hall way is floor to ceiling empty so nothing to hang the barnyard door onto when i slide the door from the wall on the side of the hall way..


Is there a way around this? 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: barnyard door

Hi @Kingleviathan,


Thank you for your question about barn doors.


I'm not quite sure I understand. Is it possible to get some pictures of where you want to hang the barn door? This will help our members and myself understand what you are trying to achieve.


Typically, a barn door is hung on a track such as this Rolltrak 2000 x 40 x 6mm Matte Black Barn Door Track which is screwed through the plaster into the studs behind.


Check out How To Install A Barn Door for some guidance on the process.


Once you've uploaded some photos, I'd be happy to assist further.




Growing in Experience

Re: barnyard door

Its a new apartment in moving into.  I don't yet have the key but i will have access on Thursday for 20 minutes. So will photo then


But if you imagine a hallway 2 metres wide from the entrance to the apartment and 2.5 metres long leading into the larger living room.


There no door between hallway and living room and nowhere to hang the barn door. As the gap/entrance is floor to ceiling.


I want to be able to slide the barn door from the wall where the living room wall begins across the entrance where the hall begins. 

Re: barnyard door

Hi @Kingleviathan,


Unfortunately, there is no way that I am aware of to hang a barn door without a wall that the track is attached to.


You would need to build a bulkhead to mount the track on which is not impossible, but there is a bit of work to it.


Another possible option is to attach a curtain rod across the opening so you can hang curtains to act as a movable partition between the spaces. 


Let me know what you think.




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