A vinyl floor was installed on the concrete floor in the bedrooms. The rest of the house has tiles. When walking on the vinyl floor the shoes and bare feet make a squeaky noise. When moving to walk on the tiles, the squeaking noise from shoes continues on tiles as well.
I read online that the squeaky noise comes from not installing the floor well. I would have thought that if it is the installation, the squeaking noise won’t happen on the tiles. It is as if something on the surface of the vinyl is attached to the shoes and this is why the noise occurs on the tiles as well.
Does anyone have or had the same or similar issue?
Hi @Smadar
I dont think it is your floor squeeking in contact with the shoe as it happens on to different floor surfaces.
More likly to be your inner shoe insoles moving onto the outer layer. This may increase in noise with a loose shoe.
The old fashion but effective way to lubricate shoes is with baby powder through out your shoe a dusting. Under the innersole and shoe sole and under the lace up area between the laces and shoe body.
Modern solution is a spray of silicon spray.
Try these things and see where you end up.
Thank you,
I will try it.
Sorry Jewelleryrescue, for asking again.
The squeaking happens when I am bare feet as well. I walk bare feet on the vinyl, it squeaks, I go from the vinyl on the tiles, it continues to squeak. Why is that happening?
Hi @Smadar,
A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community and thank you for your question.
There may be an oily residue on the vinyl from the production process.
I'd suggest giving them a good clean with hot soapy water to remove as much residue as possible. I imagine it will naturally decrease over time, but this would certainly help.
Let me know what you think.
Thank you very much Jacob.
I will.
Hi Jacob,
It took three times to scrub the vinyl floor and it worked. Thank you.
Happy new Year,
Thank you
Hello Jacob,
I am back with an update.
The joy last week was too early.
I scrubbed the floors 3 times and when it was dry when I walked on it, it did not squeak. The next morning it did.
I tried it a few more times with different scrubbers and detergents over a few days. For a few hours it was quiet and then it started squeaking again.
I also tried the silicon sparay on the shoes as it was first suggested by Jewelleryrescue here. It did not help as well.
One thing I noticed which was very wirred. I have changed the carpet in 3 rooms. In one of the 3 rooms there is no squeaking. I had the person who did the replacing from carpet to vinyl coming today. He walked in the 3 rooms and for him it was the same experience. In one room it was not squeaking.
I wish I knew about this problem before I bought the Vinyl.
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