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How to fix water damaged wall?

Having an Impact

How to fix water damaged wall?

Hi online expert team

could you give me some methods to cement my uneven wall that was damaged from rain, what sort of cement I should use 

thank you 

best regards 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix the uneven wall from water damaged

Hi @Maymay,


It's great to hear from you again. 


Is this wall inside or outside?


If it is inside you will use the same products and techniques as you used with your damaged ceiling. Instead of making the joins smooth, you'll be making the whole surface smooth. You should find this step-by-step tutorial helpful: How to patch plaster


Once you are finished with the plaster you should find this article helpful: How to paint like a professional by @Peggers


We look forward to assisting you with your project.




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Re: How to fix the uneven wall from water damaged

Hi Mitchell

Thank you for your prompt reply and did help me for the last few times.

Yes! The wall is indoor, I will follow what you showed me the video.

The outside wall also got some paint off caused uneven surface, can I use the same product or something else ?

I am going to Bunnings now

Many thanks


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix the uneven wall from water damaged

Hi @Maymay,


With the outside wall, you will need to use a different product. If you can please post a picture I can tell you what product to use. It might just need to be sanded and then repainted.




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Re: How to fix the uneven wall from water damaged

Hi Mitchell

please find attached 2 photos which most of the paint been peeled off and some are puffy by rain 

Thank you




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix the uneven wall from water damaged

Hi @Maymay,


If would advise scraping away any loose paint with something like a Craftright 5-in-1 Scraper. After that, you might like to sand the paint edges to make sure there are no rough transitions. You can then paint over the area with a self-priming exterior paint similar to Dulux Weathershield.


As always, it would be great to see your results when complete.


Please let me know if you need further assistance or had questions.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to fix the uneven wall from water damaged

I will add if you don't want to repaint the whole wall, take a chip of the old paint to your local bunnies and they can colour match for you.

Re: How to fix the uneven wall from water damaged

Hi Mitchell

It sounds easy for me not need to cement 

Thank you for your advice



Having an Impact

Re: How to fix the uneven wall from water damaged

Hi Brad

Thank you for your advice, I already took a chip of the wall paint to match the colour 



Re: How to fix the uneven wall from water damaged

Hi Mitchell

With my interior brick wall, what sort of GYPROCK compound to choose ? They are so many to choose from


Thank you


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