Getting Established

How to fill concrete holes?


 I had a flood in one of my bedrooms. The window goes to the floor and seals have come away from the window frame at the bottom. There are also holes in the concrete floor close to the window frame. The biggest one measures 2cm across and about 20cms deep.  I have Sellys 3 in 1 Sealant to seal the window frame but what would I need to fill in the concrete holes. Would appreciate any help - Elly

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fill concrete holes?

Hi @Elly4,


The expanding cement should do a fine job of filling the holes. As mentioned, mix it is quite wet so it can flow into the voids. Purchasing more might be a necessity depending on how deep the holes are.




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Getting Established

Re: How to fill concrete holes?

Thanks for the reassurance Mitchell just needed ti know am on the right track..


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