Hi Eric Hi EricI have purchased the Earls expanding cement. After scraping all the silicone sealant from the window frame (shown in the pic) it has r ...
Hi EricIt was carpeted and am waiting for new to be installed. Fortunately I had insurance but the maintenance part of it I need to do myself and wit ...
The gray area between the frame and the concrete floor is whats left of the sealant. It had been fixed between the frame and to run along the floor i ...
Thanks Eric Thanks Eric.The gray area between the frame and the floor is whats left of the sealant. Its a soft pliable material which had been fixed u ...
Thank you Eric. Appreciate your reply so much. The larger hole near the frame seems to go under the window - will the cement just pour down the hole ...
I had a flood in one of my bedrooms. The window goes to the floor and seals have come away from the window frame at the bottom. There are also holes ...