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How to cut inside door trim?

Finding My Feet

How to cut inside door trim?


I want to modern these doors and cut curves to a straight cut inside door trim. How to do and what tools? Thanks in advance 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how to cut inside door trim

Hi @vivienne1,


In order to establish a straight-cut inside door trim, you'd likely need to make cuts, as I've illustrated below. That would cut out the whole inside area, and then you'd need to re-install a new insert to cover the cutout area. You could cut with either a jigsaw or circular saw, and then you would need to finish the cuts in the corners with a handsaw.


The marks you've shown would leave the curved top of the trim in place, and it doesn't sound like you want to do that. If you can provide some more information on what you'd like to achieve (perhaps you've seen some inspirational images you could share), our helpful members would then be better placed to offer useful advice.


Please let me know if you have any questions.





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