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First Home - What should I be purchasing for when I move in

Making a Splash

First Home - What should I be purchasing for when I move in

As the title suggest I am currently building my first home (for more info visit my post regarding the joys of building), that process is exciting in of itself but as I near closer to completition the reality of the move is settling in. As such I've started wondering what exactly it is that I need to start purchasing so that I am good to go once I move in?


I've got the basics down pat like a living room set and a dining set but it would be great to hear from everyone in Workshop to get your advice and ideas.



Having an Impact

Re: First Home - What should I be purchasing for when I move in

The biggest television you can afford. Everything else can wait! 


Oh, maybe a bed. 

Making a Splash

Re: First Home - What should I be purchasing for when I move in

Congratulations @maknilsin. I think some of the nicest, simple and most homely things to add to a new home and put your stamp on it include a coat rack, and keyrack. 


A comfortable bed in the spare bedroom to accommodate guests is always a bonus, particularly for friends who drop over to celebrate your new digs with a wine or three.


A simple bbq, and set of kitchen knives to encourage plenty of cooking at home and healthy eating.

Re: First Home - What should I be purchasing for when I move in

@Goldmember - biggest TV is an absolute necessity and has been on the list since Day 1 - it will make other purchases difficult but I can just stare at the TV and forget my lack of furnishings haha


@Ben - key rack is a genius idea! Haven't even thought about where I will leave my keys around the house.

Re: First Home - What should I be purchasing for when I move in

What kind of television are you looking at @maknilsin?


I'm hoping Santa might be kind to me this Christmas. 



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Re: First Home - What should I be purchasing for when I move in

@Jason - it's currently a big tossup between these two models:


I'm leaning more towards the Sony as my home network is built around Plex and Sony TVs have one of the best Plex clients due to their Android Software. 


I'm all about making sure I've got easy access to all of my content so it definetely seems the way to go.


I'm also going to keep my ear to the ground for any sales. I'm hoping to hedge my bets on some Boxing Day sales - or see if prices come down around Black Friday as well.


Amassing an Audience

Re: First Home - What should I be purchasing for when I move in

@maknilsin JB has 20% off all TVs today if you can't wait until the Black Friday or Boxing Day sales. 

Re: First Home - What should I be purchasing for when I move in

@Kermit - I was all over it! Nabbed myself a lovely Series 8 Samsung TV


Changed my mind on my previous selection at the last minute based on this website:


Super comprehenisve reviews of almost all TV models - which was a godsend in terms of helping me make my final decision.

Re: First Home - What should I be purchasing for when I move in

Should is a hard word .. but this of course depends on one's possessions and needs and age and circumstances.
"Like" is better .. and I "liked" buying some lovely pot plants .. and I did -- 25 years later I still have them and "they" changed their "home" (ie pot sizes) many times during this time.
They still give me pleasure in looking and caring for them.

Former Community Member

Re: First Home - What should I be purchasing for when I move in

@BibbyKat, I know exactly what you're getting at, but I think your intentions are lost in this thread.


I was dead keen to pitch in, but when the large TV took preference, I lost interest & realised that I was way off target. :embarassed:


@maknilsin, on a heavy duty sarcastic you have no idea note, I'm happy for you, & I dearly hope that your cutting edge futureproof TV brings you much pleasure, for the next 30 years.


*insert Batman, WHAM .... BAM ... WTF

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