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I have always thought of making a bedhead, so now it was the time to make it happen.
Plywood sheets 1220 × 880 x 4mm
Pine timber uprights
Upholstery fabric
Liquid nails
Interlocker machine
Fabric scissors
Start by drawing the arches and then cut the plywood sheets to form the curves you wanted. Use a jigsaw for this. The hardest part is to get two exactly the same shape. 😬 Tip: When the first one is cut, trace the curves to another plywood sheet. When the plywood sheets are cut, build the timber frame
Attach the timber onto the one plywood as a frame. This will support the bedhead. Add shorter timber blocks to support the arches. Add the second plywood on top of this. Use little nails or stablegun for this.
Cut the foam to the shape of the curves. Attach it with liquid nails. I added a piece of fabric on top of the foam to cover it, but this is not necessary.
Cut the upholistery fabric and sew it around with Interlocker. Using stablegun, stable the fabric to the frame. You need to cut the fabric around the arches so you are able to fold it around.
The final touch is to sew round trim with leftover foam and fabric. Attach it with stablegun.
Hello @H3nna
Thank you so much for sharing your amazing bed head project. That is a beautifully crafted DIY bedhead! The curving-shaped design adds a charming and unique touch, while the striped fabric gives it a classic yet cozy feel. The piping detail along the edges really elevates the look, making it feel professionally finished.
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