Completed desk, Acacia wood brown. The base is an ikea 4 cube (however, Bunnings have virtually the same). I removed the middle divider to make room for my RedBull fridge). Gilly's Carnauba Polish was used on all wood surfaces.34inch flat AOC gaming monitor, mounted on wall using a Crest full motion articulated TV mount (rated to 30kgs, purchased from Bunnings)).. Led lights, mounted behind, where purchased from BunningsSide floating shelf, 200mm wide. Used 200mm Goliath Standard Drawer Slides (45kg rating) purchased from BunningsAnother floating shelf made from Acacia brown wood panels, cut to size.Again, using the 200mm Goliath standard drawer slides. This this I tried to the minimise end grain by cutting 45 degree angle.Small drawer, with a hidden parcel. This only extends half the length of the desk. To access the rear compartment you just release the side clips and pull the shelf the whole way out.using 3mm mdf wood, offcuts as support, and lined with Crafted black felt self adhesive, purchased from Bunnings, in the craft section.Floating shelf. This portion was made with the off cut from the main desk.Another view of the black felt inserts to complete a clean look. Works a treat when reading and magazine or newspaper.felt board is removable to gain access to the storage compartmentFelt board in place depicting a somewhat clean look and feelMagnets are used to hold the drawers open. This was needed to stop the drawer from moving when using the keyboard.Open drawers with felt boards removed. The desk can be operated this way. The felt boards where an afterthought.Open drawer depicting storage space.