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Can i use VJ panelling around and above my built-in fireplace?

Just Starting Out

Can i use VJ panelling around and above my built-in fireplace?

We are having a built in fireplace which has a door on it installed,  and are hoping to cover the surrounds (wall) of the fireplace with vj panel, and then paint it with a heat resistant paint, if there is such a thing.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Can i use VJ panelling around and above my built-in fireplace?

Hello @pjwilkinson,


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. Thank you for joining us and expressing your interest in using VJ panelling around your fireplace.


There are a few examples online of VJ paneling being used around a fireplace. The manufacturers of VJ paneling Easycraft, actually have a guide: GUIDELINE TO INSTALLING EASYCRAFT PANELING AROUND A FIREPLACE. But since each fireplace is unique you could call or email Easycraft to see if your fireplace has a different exclusion zone. 


I've also included the guide for installation: Guideline to fixing Easycraft Wall Linings to Timber & Steel Frames.


If you can post a photo and the model of your fireplace it will give us an idea of your setup.


Let me tag our experienced member @ProjectPete for some advice. He has done extensive projects with Easycraft panels.


We look forward to following your project. If you need more information please let us know.




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