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Adhesive vinyl planks over tiles

Hi all 


We recently started laying some adhesive vinyl planks in our house. I'd done the research and we settled on Gerflo Senso Natural Lord planks.




We also did the floor preparation to ensure the adhesive planks stuck on well.





There was a fair bit of planning to do (self driven) to ensure everything looked just right and extra care to execute but the results are worthwhile.


Dining area


We started with the dining room and the kids area - a good large space to get used to and the  continued to the kitchen area.


Kitchen area 


Kids hangout


All in all, it took us two nights after work and they looks really good, with some so knees and backs.


Next up is the entry and main hallway.



Cheers all.




Yours Kindly. For more, please follow @diy_hausdesigns
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Re: Adhesive vinyl planks over Tiles

Hello @diy_hausdesigns


That is just so impressive, the installation is perfect. What a beautiful transformation, it has made the area look so much warmer when compared to your grey-tiled floor.  


Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful flooring makeover.




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Re: Adhesive vinyl planks over Tiles

Looks fantastic Rufaro (@diy_hausdesigns). Many thanks for sharing this project as it's a common dilemma that people have whether to pull up the old tiles or go over the top. Looking forward to seeing the results in the entry and hallway. 


What were some of the biggest lessons learned during the project?




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Re: Adhesive vinyl planks over Tiles

Hi @Jason 


Thank you kindly. It was a tricky decision for us too. But with a bit of research before we are happy we didn't rip it all up or self-level.


Lessons: They are not complicated to install but alot a care in cleaning, priming the surface and planning the pattern payed off.



Yours Kindly. For more, please follow @diy_hausdesigns

Re: Adhesive vinyl planks over Tiles

Good stuff Rufaro (@diy_hausdesigns)


How did you clean and prime the tiles?




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Re: Adhesive vinyl planks over tiles

Hi Rufaro (@diy_hausdesigns), 

I also wanted to personally congratulate you for this project. You've done a terrific job in laying those adhesive planks and achieved a magnificent result. Thank you for sharing those photos and details of your process. 

I'm sure this project will inspire many other members to attempt something similar. For those members looking to update their flooring using vinyl planks, check out this helpful step-by-step guide by the Bunnings team: How to lay vinyl plank flooring.




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Re: Adhesive vinyl planks over Tiles

Hi Chaka and others,

Thanks for your post. I’m considering a similar job in my kitchen and would like to clarify a couple of things:

- did you remove your skirting boards and if not, did you just lay your planks tight against them?

- at the end of the row, did you need to allow any gap for expansion, or did you lay your planks tight against the skirting board?


the reason for this query is that I’ve been told that a gap needs to left for expansion/contraction with floating floors, and I wonder if this vinyl planks need likewise.


the other question I have is how water proof and wearing have you found the vinyl planks since installing?


Many thanks and I look 

Just Starting Out

Re: Adhesive vinyl planks over tiles

Thank you for sharing this. We have been wanting to do this ourselves and I’m wondering do you have to add floor adhesive to the tiles so they stay down?

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Bunnings Team Member

Re: Adhesive vinyl planks over Tiles

Hello @jahcann


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's wonderful to have you join us, and thank you for sharing your question about the adhesive vinyl planks.


Let me tag @diy_hausdesigns to make them aware of your kind words and questions. Vinyl flooring without adhesive will naturally expand and contract with the changing temperature. However, if the vinyl plank has adhesive on its back it will prevent the vinyl from moving. If you look at the third picture you'll see that the flooring has been installed right next to the skirting board. A closer look at the fifth picture will show you that the vinyl planks have been installed right next to the kitchen cabinet panels.


It's great to hear that this project has inspired you to give this a go yourself. Please make sure to post an update on your flooring project. I'm sure our members will be keen to see what your flooring will look like.  


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Re: Adhesive vinyl planks over tiles

Hello @Completenovice 


Thank you for sharing your question about the vinyl planks. I believe @diy_hausdesigns used panels that have adhesive on them already. Please have a look at the Gerflor Self-Adhesive Vinyl Planks. It's not necessary to add more adhesive to these types of vinyl planks that have glue on them. Simply remove the paper backing and they are ready to be attached to the floor. Please note that it is recommended to clean and prepare the floor before you begin laying the vinyl planks down.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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