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Help for kitchen renovation projects
Getting Established
12 replies

Hi Everyone I recently brought an apartment and moved in last week. I need to replace the grease filter for the rangehood and it appears damaged. Lo ...

Finding My Feet
2 replies

So when i moved into my house in 2020 the oven door seal appeared to be cactus so i have never really used it as i’m not that handy and it’s just been ...

Just Starting Out
3 replies

Our current cooktop Omega OC65TA cracked today. Looking for a replacement of similar type. Current cooktop is hard-wired and Is placed on a ceasor st ...

Just Starting Out
4 replies

This week I had a rangehood installed and the fans work at different speeds but there is almost 0 suction even though the extraction should be between ...

Finding My Feet
2 replies

Hi all, Looking for some help with my older oven - wall oven with a separate grill component. Tried to do the right thing and cleaned the grill sec ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

Hi folks What built in ovens fit into the 600mm Kaboodle base cabinet. It's only 570mm wide so looking for options. I thought it would be a straightf ...

Finding My Feet
3 replies

We are in the process of installing our new Kaboodle kitchen which includes an oven tower. We have ordered a Westinghouse built in microwave model: WM ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

How do you fit a new cooktop on the kitchen bench?

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Can you tell me which download bulbs to but from my picture?

Getting Established
1 reply

Hi, We are setting up some floating shelves in out kitchen. Originally there was a cupboard which we took down and found this wonderful surprise of ...

Building a Reputation
7 replies

  Is there a way to paint an old kitchen stove? Everything on it works it's just the cosmetic aspect, apparently that model had an issue with the pai ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

my rangihood is very old one, has a canopy, can I just change the machine and keep the canopy

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