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Kitchen reno on a budget - upcycled cabinetry

Just Starting Out

Kitchen reno on a budget - upcycled cabinetry

We recently moved into our house and weren’t happy with the kitchen, unfortunately we didn’t have the money to do a full renovation so we gave it a facelift instead!  We painted the cabinetry and splashback, swapped out the pendant lights and handles to something more our style and added the brass mixer and it looked like a new fabulous kitchen! Although they were only small changes and nothing structural the facelift was just as impactful as a full renovation and we love it!


Step 1

The first step is you’ll need to sand back your cabinetry and tiles and remove any handles on your cabinetry and fill the current handle holes. This is the kitchen before it had its mini make over!


Step 2

Once you have sanded everything back you’ll need to do a coat of primer on your splashback and cabinetry, we started with our splashback first as the tiles needed extra attention getting the  paint evenly.


Step 3

Once the primer has dried you are ready to apply your first coats of colour! We chose Dulux Papaya Pink for our cabinetry, you can add any colour to the renovation range so you can achieve that custom cabinetry look! You need to wait four or so hours between coats and we applied 3 coats to our cabinetry and two for the splashback.


Step 4

Once the paint has completely dried you can attach your new handles! Just a tip- make sure you give it plenty of time to dry we left the cabinetry for a couple of days.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Kitchen reno on a budget - upcycled cabinetry

Hi @Alison88,


Thank you for sharing your project and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is great to have you with us.


It's incredible what a few coats of paint and some new fixtures and fittings can do to make a space feel brand new.


Congratulations on a fantastic project, keep up the good work.




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