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Kitchen reno using Kaboodle

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Kitchen reno using Kaboodle

My kaboodle kitchen project took me 9 weeks from demolition to cutting trenches in my slab to the final cupboard door installed.

The pantry and cupboard above the oven and fridge are custom made from melamine board as the kaboodle cabinets were not available in the size we needed. All in all it was a great project that I learnt a lot from along the way.


kaboodle cabinets, melamine board, MDF board, mondella sink, laminate benchtop


too many too remember


Step 1

1. Demolition

2. Trench the slab to move plumbing

3. Run wiring and plumbing

4. Plaster

5. Assemble cabinets

6. Install cabinets

7. Install bench tops

8. Install appliances

9. Make and paint all doors and draw fronts

10. Install doors and draw fronts

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Kitchen reno using Kaboodle

Hello @darryl7 


Thank you so much for sharing the details of your kitchen renovation. It looks fantastic and the layout was very well planned. The use of a full drawer system across the cooktop and the bend makes it so easy to use. 


Is that a skylight you have installed or is it an LED light? The flooring and benchtop blend together so well, it gives the kitchen such a relaxing vibe.


Thank you for sharing such a wonderful project.




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Re: Kitchen reno using Kaboodle

Thankyou for the kind words. The sky light is an alume skylight that is powered by a solar panel and acts exactly like a normal skylight, dimming when clouds come over. Being an internal kitchen, it was a dark corner, but now we can work anytime without turning the lights on.

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