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Kaboodle door with Ikea cabinet

Growing in Experience

Kaboodle door with Ikea cabinet

Hi all, I just installed a kaboodle kitchen in our house but with the location of the pantry I can only put a slimline pantry that is no wider than 400 mm and max 600mm wide. I was wondering if anyone has tried putting an IKEA cabinet with a kaboodle door and is it an easy fit? The only reason is that there is an IKEA pantry that is 600mm x 370mm deep it’s only $120. Then I was thinking of putting the 600mm antique white heritage shape Kaboodle pantry door to match the kitchen.  Thoughts?

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Kaboodle door with Ikea cabinet

Hello @Dkozzie 


I agree with @MitchellMc 's suggstion that you split the difference and put 1.5mm on each side of the door. The Kaboodle doors were built in such a manner to allow clearance for the door panels to be adjusted and miss each other when they are opened when they are next to each other. There are host of other reasons but the one I mentioned is the one applying to your situation. Now concerning the height difference, you will see in the illustrations I've made that most pantry cabinets are usually at the same height as the wall cabinets. Mind you this is not always the case and some pantries don't line up. I suggest putting the excess height of the door to the bottom end of the pantry. That way you won't have to build anything extra and makes the cabinet look more streamlined rather than having it the other way around. If you manage to line up the pantry with the other cabinets then having the pantry door at the same height as the other cabinets makes it look uniform and not out of place. Please have a look at the drawings and post any questions you might have.





With the kaboodle foot on and the door excess to top end.With the kaboodle foot on and the door excess to top end.When the door is closed and you can easily spot the excess height of the door.When the door is closed and you can easily spot the excess height of the door.Excess height at the bottom. But the door is now correct at the top end of the cabinets.Excess height at the bottom. But the door is now correct at the top end of the cabinets.With the door closed and the excess is not so easily seen!With the door closed and the excess is not so easily seen!

I am a Bunnings team member. Any opinions or recommendations shared here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Bunnings. Visit the Bunnings website for assistance from the customer service team.

Growing in Experience

Re: Kaboodle door with Ikea cabinet

Thank you @redracer01 


That definitely makes sense!  Thank you for all your help! Stay tuned ☺️

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