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How to stop oven tripping power?

Just Starting Out

How to stop oven tripping power?

Hi all, 


Looking for some help with my older oven - wall oven with a separate grill component. Tried to do the right thing and cleaned the grill section, removed the trays and scrubbed the sides with soap etc and let it airdry. 


Interestingly, the grill works fine but my oven (right above) no longer works - it trips after 5 mins of being on. I have also found the heat transfer to the oven when using the grill is worse than before, ie even 10mins of grill usage makes the bottom of the oven quite warm to touch. 


Grateful for any ideas on what I've done and if/how I can rescue my oven! Thanks



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Oven tripping power

Hi @Tom3486,


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it's great to have you join us.


Any time an issue is related to electricity, you will need the assistance of a licenced electrician. 


Unfortunately, this is not a question we can assist with.




Just Starting Out

Re: Oven tripping power

Thanks Jacob, understand and thanks for your reply!

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