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How to connect a plumbed fridge?

Getting Established

How to connect a plumbed fridge?


I am currently renovating my kitchen and will have a plumber on site to install my sink and dishwasher. 

I will buy a plumbed fridge later in the year (due to budget constraints), but would like the plumber to set up the plumbing connection for the fridge while he is here doing other work to save an extra call out fee and the hassle of getting him back. Is that something he will be able to do, without knowing exactly what fridge I will be getting? 

I'd ask the plumber myself but he is on holidays for another week. 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Connecting a plumbed fridge

Hi Leonie (@javajive),


Thank you for your question.


The vast majority of fridges will use a Stainless Steel Flexible Braided Hose Water Connector that will connect to a Mini Cistern Tap.


You should be fine with having your plumber install a tap. If for whatever reason the fridge you purchase has a different connection, there are always adaptors that can be used, but it's unlikely you'd need to.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




Getting Established

Re: Connecting a plumbed fridge

Thanks Jacob, much appreciated!

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