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Why is nothing growing in my garden?

Getting Established

Why is nothing growing in my garden?

Hello all,

I am an experienced vegi gardener over many years and seasons.


I have planted my vegetable seedlings and and flower seedlings however the areas where I improved the soil ie added garden soil & cow manure, etc. (all purchased from Bunnings) nothing is growing??????  Both my daughter and I have planted seeds in three separate areas and non have germinated yet the seeds from the same packet planted in an old pot that I added nothing too from last year all grew????


I am very concerned,


Is anyone else experiencing a similar issue?


Thank you.



Getting Established

Re: Why is nothing growing in my garden?

Hi Noelle,

I purchased the pH soil testing kit from Bunnings and conducted a number of soil sample tests at different areas within the raised garden beds. 

The result was a purple colour suggesting a high pH of around 8 or so?  See picture attached.

This suggests the soil is more alkaline? and not acidic?  


Amongst the composted cow manure and compost I also added some bags of Garden Soil, again purchased from Bunnings. Could this have contributed the soil becoming more alkaline? Your thoughts?

What should I do? Any help will be appreciated. 

Large raised garden bedLarge raised garden bed

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why is nothing growing in my garden?

Hello @Alan3 


Let me tag @Noelle to make them aware of your questions. If I recall correctly excess application of composted manure raises the soils pH level. To lower the PH level, I recommend having a look at the Yates 500ml Soil Acidifier Liquid Sulfur. It is an easy-to-use acid tonic that lowers the pH of soil, making it more acidic.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why is nothing growing in my garden?

Hi @Alan3  and @EricL 

Pure fresh manure usually has a pH varying between 8 and 12.  However, composted manures and manures that have been left to 'weather' in the paddock for several months have a lower (closer to neutral) pH and generally their addition does not change the pH of soils or potting mixes significantly.

You could add some of the product mentioned by Eric, @Alan3 , to a small test area, then re-test the pH in about two weeks to see if it has had a significant effect.

It also needs to be borne in mind that growing mixes that contain large quantities of organic and composted materials will not test accurately using a reagent kit and test strips - these kits are designed for testing natural soils in the open garden, not amended growing mixes. The only accurate method of pH testing these types of growing media is through scientific/laboratory testing. The more organic and composted matter added to the mix, the less accurate a test kit result will be.

The bags of garden soil bought from Bunnings will have had their pH tested and adjusted by the supplier prior to bagging and should have a pH around 6, +/- 0.5.


Getting Established

Re: Why is nothing growing in my garden?

Thanks Eric & Noelle, 


I still can't understand how this occurred simply by adding those ingredients. How it caused the seeds not to germinate and seedlings not to grow. 


From being too acid to now being not acid enough.


I will try the acidifer - though I am a bit nervous using chemicals.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why is nothing growing in my garden?

Hello @Alan3 


Just remember to wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles and an appropriate mask when using the chemical. Please remember to follow all the safety guidelines printed at the back of the container. 




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Community Newcomer

Re: Why is nothing growing in my garden?

I have exactly the same problem  and my procedures almost identical

Community Newcomer

Re: Why is nothing growing in my garden?

I have the same problem and I am in hastings. Been growing for 60 years and never this problem in

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why is nothing growing in my garden?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @jimbos.


I'm sorry to hear you've experienced issues in the garden.


As with @Alan3, we'd be more than happy to assist with your issue, but we'll need far more information to be able to help. Can you please tell us exactly what has been added to your garden, when this was added, how much was added, when you first noticed the issue and any other details that might be relevant?


Once we have those details, I will call on our resident horticulturalists to share their opinion.




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