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What type of bush is this and how do I prune it?

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What type of bush is this and how do I prune it?



I have the following bushes planted around the edge of my property. My google search suggests they could be either photinia or lill pilly. Could you please help me identify which of these it is?



One of these bushes is struggling to grow - is it still alive, and how can I help it?



I wish to prune them back as they are growing too far forward. How do I do this without damaging the plants? And am I right in thinking this was planted with the aim of it becoming a hedge?



Finally, I am concerned about these bubbles on some of the leaves - how should I take care of this?



Thank you so much for your help!

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What type of bush is this and how do I prune it?

They appear to be a lilly pilly @cehenry. This is also backed up by the common infestation of psyllid (the bumps on the leaves), which can be treated with Pest Oil.


The plant that has died back to the trunk is likely past saving. I see it has resprouted at the base, but it would taken many years, if ever, to catch up to the others; it's best to replace it. 


They look like they were planted for a privacy hedge, but they are too far apart. Plants would be required in between to establish a full hedge. Pruning can be done after a flush of growth, but to reshape them, I would do it over the course of a few months with lighter prunes instead of one heavy prune.


Here's a helpful guide: How to grow and care for lilly pilly.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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