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What is this creeper in my Buffalo lawn?

Getting Established

What is this creeper in my Buffalo lawn?

I have this weedy vine creeper spreading through my lawn 

It's a pretty fine leaf and kind of a creeper 
Can somebody tell me what it is and how do I get rid of it in a buffalo lawn 
It seems to be spreading pretty fast 



Kind of a Big Deal

Re: what is this in my lawn

Hi  @gregmw 


Icant tell you what it is in your lawn but I would  consider poisioning  off the complete  infected  area of lawn to do a  complete kill of that invading plant.


The buffalo grass then can grow back in time once the invader stopped.


I cant see any other way of stopping such a  creeping vine possibly putting suckers into the ground as it grows out.


Pulling it out will leave roots and what other way can you selectivly pull it out?


Good luck  with your creeping plant hope you stop it ASAP

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: What is this creeper in my Buffalo lawn?

Hello @gregmw,


Great to see you've received advice from @Jewelleryrescue about the creeper in your lawn.


Let me also tag our knowledgeable garden experts @mich1972 and @Noelle for their thoughts. 




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: What is this creeper in my Buffalo lawn?

Hi @gregmw 

Like @Jewelleryrescue , I can't tell what the creeper is in your lawn but my concern would be that if you use a lawn weeder product to eradicate it, you may very well kill the the remnant buffalo grass as well. You will need to research carefully what you choose to use - some products are "buffalo friendly" while some are not. I'd be tempted to try a small test patch first, before attempting to treat the entire infested area.

Good luck and keep us posted on progress.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What is this creeper in my Buffalo lawn?

Hi @gregmw,


Selective weedkillers for lawns typically struggle to remove creeping weeds. I'd suggest, given the sizable infestation, that you would be best to destroy the weed with a product similar to Round-Up (which will kill any remaining lawn, too) and then re-lay turf over the area. By the time you've removed this weed, there would be so little buffalo left that it wouldn't be worth the effort of trying to selectively destroy it.


When spraying and mixing Round-Up, remember your PPE, including gloves, a face mask, a long-sleeved shirt and trousers and enclosed footwear.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Getting Established

Re: What is this creeper in my Buffalo lawn?


 I found its called Basket Grass 

Via an app Picture This 

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