Finding My Feet

Trees have no foliage

champak tree.jpg hibuscus 2.jpg

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: garden - trees not having foliage

Hello @hemarao 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your tree not having foliage.


Can you please tell us what kind of tree it is. I'm sorry, but it is difficult to tell its kind as the leaves are very small and the branches have no identifying marks on them.


Let me call on our experienced members @Noelle and @mich1972 for their opinion on this tree.


If you have any other questions we can help with, lease let us know.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Trees have no foliage

Hi @hemarao 

There are very few green branches/shoots on the tree in the top photo - most of them are very grey and somewhat dead looking. There are no growth buds showing on these grey branches/twigs.

Eric is correct, we need much better photos to be able to identify and then potentially diagnose what the trees are and what's affecting them.

Re: Trees have no foliage

Hi @Noelle,


There are a few leaf buds on the tree.  This is the himalayan magnolia (champak flowers orange colour flowers).

It suddenly shed all leaves a month ago. small leaf buds are sprouting but I am worried about the plant.


What can I do to get the leaves grow fast and have a healthy tree.


The second photo is hibiscus plant in a pot.  There are hardly an leaves.  How do I get more lush green leaves grow.


Please help.





Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Trees have no foliage

Hi again @hemarao 

Both of these plants are deciduous - that is, they lose their leaves in the cooler weather, leaving their branches quite bare. This is quite normal and absolutely nothing to be concerned about. They will produce new leaves as spring progresses.

The magnolia's stems could be cut back a little to healthy buds to encourage more branching; same with the hibiscus. Otherwise they will grow leaves when they are ready and there is nothing you can do to encourage them apart from making sure they are watered was required and given a slow release fertiliser in the next few weeks to feed them through spring and summer.

Re: Trees have no foliage

Hi Noelle,


Thanks for your suggestion.  I will follow it.





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