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How to treat scale on eucalyptus tree?

Community Newcomer

How to treat scale on eucalyptus tree?

Good morning, 

Would you happen to know what is affecting my eucalyptus tree? It appears to be isolated to one large branch (offshoot of branches) rather than through the whole tree but I'm not positive because it's hard to see up high and it's a 22 year old tree.
There's a type of scale build up on the branches. The scale is dry and white in color on the outside but when you peel it off its red and oily on the inside.
There is an oily sheen to the leaves on the affected areas.
There's an oily sheen to the grass below the tree.
I have pruned off the affected areas and crossing my fingers. 
Has anyone experienced this problem with gum trees?
(Struggling with uploading any images, sorry.)
Thank you.
Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Strange scale (?) on eucalyptus tree

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Bet. It's terrific to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about scale.

Certainly sounds like scale and possibly Gumtree Scale (Eriococcus coriaceus) which has a red fluid inside. Apart from removing heavily affected branches, horticultural oils are typically effective at controlling the spread of most scales.


If you have difficulties uploading images through the text editor (there's a little landscape picture image button at the top), you can send them to, and I'll post them for you.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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