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Hi everyone.
We have gall wasp in our lemon tree. We’ve been repeatedly cutting it out over the years but it keeps coming back! I just want to let my poor tree grow!! Do those yellow pest strips actually work? Or anything else other than severe pruning?
Keen to hear everyone's tips. Thanks.
Hi Eric,
Following up on the request for information on Kaolin Clay
1) What is it
2) How does it work
3) where to Purchase
4) How to use it
What is it - Kaolin Clay is a non poisons compound made up of natural clays and Lime.
How does it work - You spray the clay and water mixture onto your lemon tree at least twice a year make sure you spray in September to to obtain maximum control of the Gall Wasp. The wasp does not like the spray residue thus will not lay eggs in the lemon tree.
Where to Purchase -Nutrient Ag Solutions, 1 George St Wandin North Vic. It comes in a 12 Kg Bag and retailed for approx $120.
How to use it - Mix 5 grams to a litre of water (I make up 5 litres) and add one teaspoon of dishwashing liquid.
Spray your tree(s) good for all trees and shrubs in March and September (Make sure you spray in September for maximum effect)
When dry your tree should look like a Christmas tree.
Fertilize your Citrus Trees twice yearly in February and August, use Pest oil when needed to control other pests and you will have a healthy Tree and Huge lemons.
I forgot to add that Kaolin Clay retails under the Brand Name of "Surround"
PThe white residue is Kaolin Clay
Kaolin Clay on the leaves
I am a Bunnings team member. Any opinions or recommendations shared here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Bunnings.
Please visit the Bunnings website if you need assistance from the Bunnings customer service team.
Hi @Meeds,
Sorry, Bunnings currently doesn't stock a Kaolin clay-based product to control Gall wasps, but I've passed your feedback on to our merchandise team. We recommend the management of adult Gall wasp populations through the use of Go Natural Citrus Gall Wasp And Medfly Insect Traps and The Buzz Citrus Gall Wasp And Fruit Fly Trap. Also, check out our Best Advice article on How do you remove gall wasp from a lemon tree and this helpful guide on How to control gall wasp.
Hi all
Just an update to my last post regarding Gall Wasp on lemon trees - Since using Kaolin Clay, I am pleased to say that I have NOT had any Gall Wasp activity on my lemon tree.
I spray every 6 months March/April and September/October.
For people or members living in the Eastern Suburbs Bulleen Art and Garden (BAAG) sell Kaolin Clay in 500 gram Bags, rebranded as Overhaul for approx $20.00.
See Picture attached
They sell it under the Brand "Overhaul"
I am a Bunnings team member. Any opinions or recommendations shared here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Bunnings.
Please visit the Bunnings website if you need assistance from the Bunnings customer service team.
Hi MItchell, i know this is an old post but i got kaolin clay at bunnings yesterday for $9.98 for the 1 kilo bag
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