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How to fix Ozito mower?

Community Newcomer

How to fix Ozito mower?

Hi the red button on my ozito mower is depressed and won't return. How can I fix it please.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: ozito mower

Hi @kayb,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you join us.


Can I ask you to upload some photos of the mower?

Can I also ask what the model number of your mower is?


If you need a hand uploading images, please let me know.


It may be a simple case of flexing the casing slightly so the button will spring back into place, or there could be an issue with the mechanism which would entitle you to a replacement assuming it is still under warranty.


When we have the extra details that I've asked for above, I will happily assist further.




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