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How to revive nature strip lawn?

Just Starting Out

How to revive nature strip lawn?

How to revive this dead nature strip ?

Any help on step by step approach and products to be used will be a great help. Also mention what will be the best time of year to take this up in Melbourne.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to revive nature strip lawn?

Hi @JaideepKarnik,


Thank you for your question about reviving your nature strip.


Luckily, now is a great time to get stuck into a lawn reno as the temperatures are still warm and the grass is actively growing.


The first step I would suggest is to aerate your nature strip. Aerating breaks up the compacted soil allowing oxygen, water and nutrients to penetrate the compacted top layer of soil so it can reach the root layer of your lawn. This will greatly improve its health. You can aerate using a garden fork, a pronged lawn aerator or a Lawn Corer.


Check out How To Aerate Your Lawn for some further information.


Once aerated, topdress your lawn with a mix of high-quality topsoil and sand. Spread a thin layer, around 10-20mm thick across the whole lawn. Spread the soil mixture with a soil spreader to level things out and make the leaf poke through the top of the canopy. 


You can then fertilise the lawn with your choice of lawn fertiliser


Don't worry about weeds just yet as we need to focus on thickening things up.


Water regularly and allow the grass to grow for at least 2 weeks before mowing. Continue to water and mow regularly to promote lateral growth.


Once things have thickened up more, you can apply weed n feed to your lawn alongside manual removal to manage the weeds.


This should get your lawn looking fabulous in no time.


For further information check out the Lawn section of our D.I.Y. advice page.


Let me know what you think and if you have further questions please don't hesitate to ask.




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