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Black spots getting worse and spreading through the golf ball plants

Growing in Experience

Black spots getting worse and spreading through the golf ball plants


hi everyone, 

my golf ball plants have been doing well for a few years with minimal and recently some of them have developed black spots and one of them is dying. What can I do? I am based in Sydney and there are lots of rain lately. 
the soil is standard garden mix. 
what can I do to save the plants and stop the black spots from spreading?

much thanks!! 




Re: Black spots getting worse and spreading through the golf ball plants

Good afternoon @mtan5586  That's a shame it's started again. You will need to cut and remove the dead affected areas. Spray again with the Eco Neem Oil , be careful and make sure to wear the appropriate safety gear.

Oh and don't spray during the heat of the day. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: help,what is wrong with my golf ball pittosporum?they are dying out

Hi @mtan5586,


Can we get some photos of the base of the affected plant? 


Are there any insects or signs of insects on the plant?


@mich1972's advice is likely your best option, but it would be good to ensure there are no issues that can be transferred to the other plants.


Allow me to tag @Noelle to see what she thinks.


Let me know what you find.




Kind of a Big Deal

Re: help,what is wrong with my golf ball pittosporum?they are dying out


The advice from @mich1972  is the best way to go to see if that stops the spread of the dying out. I'd also check drainage - if the roots stay wet for a long period after rain, then there may be some root rot present.

Growing in Experience

Re: Black spots getting worse and spreading through the golf ball plants

Thank you. Will do! 

Growing in Experience

Re: help,what is wrong with my golf ball pittosporum?they are dying out





thank everyone for your quick reply. I will use the eco Neem oil again. here are some more photos. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: help,what is wrong with my golf ball pittosporum?they are dying out

I'd agree with the advice you have been provided @mtan5586. I suspect that there are drainage issues in the area. Check the soil a couple of days after it's last rained or you've watered it to see how damp it is. If the soil is still wet, then it suggests that drainage needs to be improved as the roots are waterlogged.


Adding drainage to the area with already established plants might be an issue. You could potentially try digging a trench between the bed and the wall and laying socked agline in there. The drainage would then need to lead out of the area to remove the water.




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Re: help,what is wrong with my golf ball pittosporum?they are dying out

Good morning everyone. You know I find it really interesting reading through the comments regarding soil conditions. As we live all from different States it’s amazing how different the soil conditions are. I love learning more from what you are all doing in the East Coast. I get jealous with some of the most beautiful soils you have there 🤣🤣🤣 Here in Perth it’s mainly just grey, dry , hydrophobic Bassendean Sands . 

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